Saturday, March 28, 2009

Paperwork Productivity

Yesterday was a very productive day in the realm of the paperwork I have been facing. My arm is sore from the shot I had to get in my arm, but otherwise I am doing very good! We will be heading to Columbus this morning to have our fingerprints done electronically for our background checks. And yesterday we got official clearance from the local police department that there are no outstanding warrants or arrests for either Dan or I, not surprisingly! Thanks to a friend of ours that is a detective, that process took less than one business day, Thanks Nick! We are moving forward in this process of expanding our family and are so excited to see what is in store! This morning I told Evelyn that we had to take a little trip to do some things to help us get a baby sister and she thought that meant that we were actually going to go pick up her baby sister! After explaining a few details, let's hope she is not disappointed when we get to a boring office building, fill out some papers and press our fingers on an electronic pad and leave with nothing in hand! :) Ahh, the journey.....

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