Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Lions, Giraffes, and Rhinos (white AND black), Oh my!

And monkeys, and flamingos, and cape buffalo, and impala, and gazelles, and baboons, and zebras, and lots of birds, and another animal I'm not sure what it was called, and warthogs, and common buk and brown buk....

Okay, so the safari was A-MAZ-ING!!! So glad that we did this! Evelyn didn't get to see her wildebeest, though! We will have one more chance on Thursday, when we go to see some elephants.

It has been a long day, I will post pictures of our adventure tomorrow... we have an early appointment to get to in the morning... hopefully our last appointment we need to be able to legally bring Lindy home with us to the US!! :-)

1 comment:

Jen said...

You guys have been gone too long! Hurry home to the good 'ole USA!
Love, the Conklins