Monday, June 21, 2010

Moving along

Well, for the most part... we are moving along swimmingly! Literally, we are enjoying the heat and swimming in the pool! :) I can't believe we have been home for just two weeks... it feels longer for some reason. Lindy is doing so great! In fact, the last two nights she has slept a solid 12 hours without waking up in the middle for a bottle... that has been fantastic! The only major hiccup for her has been the medicine she is taking for the giardia... She HATES it! I feel like we are torturing her when we give it to her.... and we are working so hard at building trust with her and assuring her that we love her and care for her.... and then we have to literally restrain her to get the medicine down and she looks up at us with this look of fear.... as if to say, "Why are you doing this to me?". It has been hard. I tried mixing it with food, no luck. (in fact, I tried a bite of it and didn't want to swallow! Why would she?).. we tried mixing it with chocolate syrup... nothing... she actually refused a spoonful of chocolate syrup!! Something has to give. I think I may be calling the doctor today. We are only on day 4 of 10!

The good news is that Evelyn tested negative for giardia! So, who knows why she was having some symptoms... possibly just re-adjusting to the states? When I told her that she didn't have any of those germs in her poopie, she said "good, but do they know why my tummy is so upset all the time?" She is so sweet...

Evelyn has two playdates this week with friends from school. She is SO excited! I am glad that she is being able to get out and have fun. She has been remarkable as a big sister... I have not seen an ounce of jealousy, if anything she wants to love on Lindy a little too much! Lots of hugs and kisses to the point of Lindy pushing away a little bit. :) I'm sure things could change, but for now I am so happy to see Evelyn really embracing the big sister role!

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