Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dads, are you out there? Including me.

I'm pretty sure that Aubrey is writing right now, we might repeat, but it's fun to get the different perspectives. I'm guessing there are a few AWAA families out there reading this and I'm asking for the men to step in and say something. I see so many blogs that my wife has been watching for the last 6 months (including ours) that have very little input from the husbands, now that we're here I get to talk with the dads and hear what they have to say, it's good to hear and I bet other guys would appreciate it. Okay off my soapbox.

Location:Chez Lando Hotel


Kent Conklin said...

Here is my input: the Celtics won and are up 3-0. Weather is good. Golf league will be played tomorrow. How is Africa?

Amy Bogear Noland said...

All is well at the end of the street. So when you said stripes ("shripes") in the yard; I took that as circular "shripes". Also, I went through your closet and stretched the necks out on your some of your shirts. You'll have to inspect to see which ones they are! Chase and I were pushing each other in the bushes as we ran out of your house. Hee! Hee!
Heading with a little roundup to your front yard. "GO FALCONS!"
Brothers don't shake hands brothers hug.