Saturday, May 22, 2010

Long day of travels!!

We have spent so much time in an airplane! My feet are swollen.... I have taken some aspirin periodically and we have tried to walk around as much as possible. We were delayed in DC for two hours, which made us very concerned that we would miss our connection flight to Kigali. Fortunately, the airline ended up holding the flight in Addis Ababa and we walked right off of our 15 1/2 hour flight onto our 3 1/2 hour flight... We are having to stop in Entebbe, Uganda to let off some passengers, which is ending up taking over an hour... Although there are a few people that we have enjoyed getting to know. A young Rwandan man that is probably 24 years old who has lived in Canada for the past 6 years! He speaks Kinyarwandan, English, French, and Swahili! And a young Ugandan women who lives in Rwanda and is a business reporter for the only english newspaper in Rwanda... She has been helping Cherri with common words and phrases in Kinyarwandan to help her communicate with her son!

Cherri and I are both surprised at the nervousness we feel in our stomachs! We are incredibly excited, but there is NOTHING like this feeling! It's so great to be with someone else who is in the exact same place.

I'm also noticing how the scenery looks just like I expected! I've seen so many pictures of African landscapes from my parents, and now I'm here!!!

We are thinking that with our delayed arrival into Kigali, we may be headed straight to Home of Hope from the airport!! We'll see!


Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! Touch down is so sweet to hear!

Thanks for the posts... everyone has been asking if we have heard yet...

Aw little Lindy... Lindy with the big black eyes... your Mom and Dad and sister Evie are almost there.


Kacy said...

Guys! I didn't even know you had a blog until Amy wrote it on FB. I am just so excited for you!! I feel very emotional reading this so I can only imagine how you feel! I love you guys!! Be safe :)

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