Monday, May 24, 2010

What a day!

I am laying in bed....Lindy is sound asleep beside me; thumb in her mouth, laying on her side with her left leg crossed over her right. What an absolutely perfect way to end this day.

Long story short, we had an appointment that was supposed to take no more than a half an hour..... It ended up taking 5 hours which included us having to leave twice. Once to get a line filled in that had been left blank, have that stamped and then made copies of... Then after that was reviewed, it was determined that we needed to leave again to have that document notarized. After we completed those requirements, we then waited... But, again...Praise be to God! We were able to complete that task that was necessary! One check off the list!

By the way, Lindy and Evelyn were with us that entire time!! They were both AMAZING! Thanks to the ergo carrier (thank you Jennifer!), Lindy was able to have her nap like she is used to having! And, what can I say about Ev? I am so absolutely proud of her! She literally was unbelievable!

I read a quote recently that another Rwanda adoption family sent in an email... I can't remember word for word, but it said that God's grace will come to you at your time of need.... You can't store it up in advance. I really felt that today! God's grace was with us!


Unknown said...

"Come Thou fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy grace. Streams of mercy never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise." God is good... way beyond what any of us deserve. I'm so happy for you tonight...

What more can we say? Get a good nights rest... all FOUR of you! :)


Unknown said...

I just want to say how wonderful it is that you are blogging... so many people are following your journey...


MKW said...

That's infamous "Africa time"! I love hearing how Evie is being such a "trooper" through all of this.
Wesley & Melinda are following your journey also.
I am sending it to Andrew.
We love you!

Jennifer Conklin said...

Yay! So happy Lindy likes the carrier. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your updates. We are right there with you in spirit. Congratulation to Evelyn for being such an awesome big sister- it's a very important job. :-)

Nancy Symbolik said...

Congratulations! Long time coming. Very happy for your whole family:)