Sunday, May 23, 2010

First Morning

It is 6:30 am local time, just past midnight at home so I'm ready to go. First nights sleep in a bed was good, just the three of us for almost the last time. I'm on the patio outside our room, the sunrise is unreal, I'm in Africa, Rwanda, the birthplace of my youngest. It's fun to think about everyone reading and we appreciate the comments, it reminds us you're out there. The Internet is a little trying at times, but at least we have it, really just wanting to keep everyone posted. We love you all.

Location:Chez Lando Hotel


Jennifer Conklin said...

Perfect posting for night owls! Glad you are all there safe and sound! Did you see Lindy last night when you got there?

Sam and Alan Budd said...

We are so excited for you guys. I have been keeping up on your blog and can't wait to hear more about your new daughter! We love you guys!
Love, Sam and Alan

Unknown said...

Congratulations in making it this far! I remember sitting on our chez lando patio the morning we met our son for the first time. Enjoy it there; it's the best part of the trip and is just so perfect for hanging out as a new family! Tell Sarah HI! for me!!
-becky fisher

Unknown said...

Yup, It's 2:00am in Ohio and I had to get up to see if you had posted anything this morning... So happy to hear you are safe and sound. Have you met Lindy? Can't wait to hear about that... but as we said, don't stress about keeping us posted... just live in the moment and soak up all you can for a life time of memories! Love you all so much..."underneath the same moon"


Anonymous said...

The picture is so precious!! I'll spread the word at church today. Wearing red - Pentecost!! Love Mom C