Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Basic updates

I kind of got a picture of Lindy smiling in this one! She is doing terrific.... Dan just mentioned this evening that she is smiling and giggling so much now... She was fairly reserved in the beginning, but imagine what this little thing has been through in the last few days!

As far as stats on her: she's smaller than I expected...she definitely has chubby cheeks and chubby legs, but overall she is smaller than the average one year old. The dresses I brought are fine for size, but the 12 month pajamas are kind of loose. She can sit up on her own, but can't stand... If we hold her hands, she'll use her leg strength and stand, but nowhere close to standing on her own or walking....which is fine with me because I am content to hold her all day long! ;-). She can repeat what we do... For instance, making sounds with our lips, making zerbert noises and sticking out her tongue. She is very ticklish!! She gets quite a kick out of being tickled under her arms! She laughs out loud with that!

Today we had an appointment with immigration to get her passport. That was successful! And such a cute passport at that! We then had an appointment with the US embassy....not as successful. We thought that would be done while we were there, but they asked us to return tomorrow at 10:00am (Wednesday). I think it will be fine, though. We are just concerned with the timeline of things. We need the US embassy here to process and send on to Nairobi US embassy to get the visa for Lindy to enter the US.... There is one check that can take several days to complete for that to get finished, so we are praying for that to occur so that we can stay on track to return at the time we have planned and paid airline tickets for! We are flying out of Kigali on Thursday morning to head to Nairobi.

Tomorrow will likely be difficult in another way as well.... We will be visiting the places where our children were found prior to entering Home of Hope... We have been given a little information so far as to when the children arrived at the orphanage... Incredible thoughts to process and deal with....

Thanks for all the comments and prayers... We are doing good!


Amy Bogear Noland said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
And, of course, prayers are being lifted.

Unknown said...

Oh she is so cute! She seems really relaxed in Dan's lap... such a good sign since there probably aren't that many men around the orphanage... We'll be praying for the Visa stuff and for your emotional journey to her background...


MKW said...

Dan & Aubrey, believe it or not Sam has a friend in the Parliament of Kenya. He would help in an instant. His name is Erastus Mureithi. His email is honek2007@yahoo.com. His telephone number is 254-722-580-223. Just say Sam White from the USA is your uncle. Never know when you need someone in "high places".

Wes White said...

Wow, such a journey! Thank you so much for sharing these events with us. Wes and I check your blog at least once a day and always enjoy your thoughts, and pictures.

You are in our thoughts and prayers, that everything will continue to go smoothly.

Melinda White

Jennifer Conklin said...

Dan and Aubrey, I just keep looking at these pictures and thinking about what a miracle this is. Thank you for "letting us in" to witness this wonderful event.
Love, Jen

Anonymous said...

We are so excited every day to learn of the wonderful things that are happening and we are looking so forward to your family's return:) BUT the girls want Evelyn to know that THEY REALLY, REALLY MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Braidyn, Brenna, Scott and Jamie